Posted on September 4, 2015

A few weeks ago I posted my 9 tips of long-haul air travel, it was one of the most read and commented on posts here so far. Recently Jim Orred a wise and oft-travelling friend who I respect alot posted his tips for travel.
The whole list is way different to mine, and he has done a good bit more travelling that I have, I posted a few of the most interesting on the list;
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“The temptation of this age is to look good without being good.”
“Everybody thinks about changing humanity. Nobody thinks about changing himself.”

Posted on August 31, 2015
Mumford and Sons Live | Cape Town January 2016
It’s been a few years since a bigger name in music has come to Cape Town. For a while we had U2, Kings of Leon and Coldplay one after the other..
After a trip to see Beatenberg this weekend (who just supported Mumford in Scotland), where we had to pay the entrance to see George Ezra (who wasn’t so bad), Rachel (my wife) wondered whether Mumford would make it to South Africa any time soon?
Turned out to be a premonition, they just announced they will play in January and for just under £30 (R500) too!
South Africa 2016
Fri 29 Jan – Cape Town, Grand Parade
Wed 03 Feb – Durban, Botanic Gardens
Sat 06 Feb – Pretoria, Monument Amphitheatre
Tickets go on sale 3rd September at
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Posted on August 30, 2015
The Other Worldiness of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a central theme for Christianity, but in trying to talk about it at any length we seem to tie ourselves in knots. A few simple sentences can call out the character of forgiveness in abstract but when these heavenly ideals come into contact with highly emotionally charged earthly realities, the simplicities soon break down.
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Posted on August 28, 2015
The Way not just the Truth
For those of you who know me, you will know I am not a proponent for thoughtless Christianity, but for those of us who are inclined to the analytical, we need reminders that we think well in order to enact well and I’ve found Francis of Assisi to be a helpful voice to encourage me;
Those who have analyzed the writings of Francis have noted that he uses the word doing rather than understanding at a ratio of 175 times to 5. Heart is used 42 times to 1 use of mind. Love is used 23 times as opposed to 12 uses of truth. Mercy is used 26 times while intellect is used only 1 time.
This is a very new perspective that is clearly different from (and an antidote to) the verbally argumentative Christianity of his time, and from the highly academic theology that would hold sway from then on. Francis took prayer on the road and into the activity of life itself, which is why the Franciscans popularized the portable, small psalter that we still call the breviary (brevis or short handbook). – Richard Rohr on Francis
The loudest voices in Christianity often seem to be ones advocating for the ditches on either side of the metaphorical road. Of course, we are tempted to be drawn to one ditch or another, but attempting to argue there is only one ditch is what has led to a fragmented in-fighting bride. Our Spiritual formation and discipleship would do well if we immersed ourselves in voices that call us not only to what we already believe and practise but also to the other side.
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Posted on August 25, 2015
How Evangelical zeal actually says the Bible is not enough
This week Scot McKnight wrote an interesting piece worth reading here. Scot Argues that the characteristic of zeal amongst evangelicals works in two ways;
1. To challenge the sufficiency of scripture by creating identities around extra-biblical boundary markers
For example, the bible says not to be drunk, some evangelical circles may add to this by affirming that drinking alcohol at all is unadvisable if not sinful. In this way although they may stop short of calling their extra-biblical additions sinful it is clear this behaviour dictates whether you are in or out of this particular sub-set of the Church.
2. Zeal creates immunity to accusation
How can someone be mad at someone who, in their enthusiasm, goes above and beyond (a trait the protestant work ethic has always held in high regard)? Scot McKnight argues that this is motivated ultimately by a fear of freedom, a fear that if we left it to the average believer to read the scripture in the presence of Holy Spirit, the outcome may not be the extra-biblical boundary markers the denomination or sub-group was formed around.
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Posted on August 21, 2015
New Sounds | Music for the Weekend
Here’s a collection of sounds from around the world that you may never have heard before.
A few radio stations (in the US especially) run ‘live lounges’ and here are some bands you’ve likely never heard of.
I doubt everyone will like all of these but you might find something that you can enjoy this weekend (these are from KEXP in Seattle );
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