Posted on April 3, 2015

1. Here’s some links for the weekend, hopefully yours is one with enough time and space to enter into this story of redemption and again and join Christ in the laying down and raising up!
Awkward Holy Saturday – This is a great review of a book on Holy Saturday called “The Glorious Dark” and an invitation to consider the significance of the saturday where Jesus lay dead.
“…only Christianity insists that a legitimate stage of holiness is hopelessness.”
Posted on April 2, 2015
6 Things I’ve learnt about hearing God in transition | Noah Kaye
LIAM:Surely one of the most stress inducing questions in life for many Christians is What does God want to do with my life? And deeply connected to that are all types of anxiety related where that might be and how I know God is really speaking? A good friend and leader of ours recently announced with equal part humility and conviction that God is leading him to move with his family to Tanzania, so I thought he’d be the perfect guy to ask.. Noah spent his 20’s pastoring a predominantly African American Mennonite church in Washington DC. When he began asking question about ‘What is Church?’ rather than inflict his learning process on the congregation 1 he decided to move to South Africa around the same time as Rachel and I and has been one of the most articulate and extraverted learners and processors I have met. This unique talent means that when Noah learns, everyone around him learns too and that’s why I invited him to share on this subject.
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Posted on March 30, 2015
Deliver us from Evil
I’m appreciating this short devotional from Ben Myers, a scholar in Australia on the line in the Lord’s prayer – ‘Deliver us from Evil’.
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Posted on March 27, 2015
Links for Friday | 27th March 2015
Maybe you get time to do some reading on the weekends – Here’s my pick of some things to read on the web this week;

Songs of Sorrow | Songs of Hope – Steve Schallert Review
A couple of years ago, Steve invited me over to play through arrangements for some songs he was working on. After 6 months of playing together there were a number of solid songs and He decided to go after recording them.
After about 6 months of playing the songs he was writing through, both of our commitments pulled us in different directions and I had little awareness of how things were progressing until he sent out a kickstarter email and funded the recording in record time! 1
Fast forward a few more months and Songs of Sorrow | Songs of Hope was released and it has been the most listened to album for me ever since.
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Posted on March 23, 2015
A New Venture on the web
Im kicking off 2015 a little late – I wanted to begin the discipline of writing, so here it is.
I felt a little hemmed in over at our other site 1, so I thought a blanker 2 page may spark some things off.
If you want to receive a (at the most weekly) newsletter from this blog, sign up below;
Ideas from you!
I have a few ideas in the mix, but I want to hear from you, Dear reader, what should I write about. A title, a theme anything you would enjoy reading something about (I’m shooting in the area of theology, missions, culture etc.)
Who knows you might help me peak some creativity. Head over the the contact page to let me know, or leave a comment here.
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