Posted on February 7, 2016

One of the fine folks we get to interact with every now and again is Brandon Jones. He lives in Nairobi, Kenya and is from the US originally. He is a deep thinker, but also very much a practitioner in helping ignite movements of people to follow Jesus. One of the difficult dynamics of working in Africa as an outsider is that every action feels like it carrys the possibility of colonial or oppressive shadow sides. Brandon helps de-stigmatise and articulate the role of an outsider in a way that can contribute to kingdom activity while working in someone else’s native land – Liam
In our church planting work it’s not uncommon for people to question our role as outsiders, in terms of the important shift towards recognizing the great need to empower strong local leadership, particularly where sustainability and long term transformation is desired. Where this isn’t a priority you often see colonialism rehashed and projects that fall apart as soon as outsiders leave.
I’ve often wondered if it wouldn’t just be better if people like us left the fields we work in; what if we just hoped that local people would establish and run with everything? This way it would look indigenous and hopefully would last. But – I’ve never been able to shake the sense that we are actually called into this church planting work – that we should be doing what we are doing (just making sure that what we are doing is responsible and sustainable).
To back this up, I once had the opportunity to hear a strong local African leader speak to this very point. Trying to be provocative, another American friend, asked this African leader if westerners should even be here or if we should just pack up and go home. His response was quite helpful and I thought I’d expand upon it here for those that might be wondering the same thing (whether you work in Asia, Europe, the Americas or Africa, as we do). He speaks out of the church planting context and is involved in many projects and partners with many groups in western Africa.
In his response, he pinpoints 7 clear ways that describe partnership. In these 7 points he details why we, as outsiders, shouldn’t just pack up and leave.
7 Ways Outsiders Can Help Fuel Movement & Transformation
1. By Providing Clear Vision.
When we partner through vision, we help to identify what local leaders are called to lead into. This doesn’t mean we necessarily provide the vision wholesale. Rather, it’s an identification process. It means we take time to listen and tease out the perceived needs and desired direction a particular community is moving in. Often we are able to aid in articulating and casting the particulars of vision. Often we are able to paint a picture of what could be and point others directly to it. Often as outsiders we might see the fuller picture just a bit more clearly. Vision is quite important, as you cannot gain what you cannot see. Further more, where vision is not clear human nature tends to dictate that we wander, mostly aimlessly, in directions that distract from what is actually important.
2. By Providing Necessary Training.
You can’t really understate the importance of training. With the right knowledge and training people can go much further than they could without it. Often an outside perspective is able to discern the type and depth of training needed to move a leader or community from point A to point B. Training also insures that we are working ourselves out of positions, particularly positions of power, as we train local leaders to fill said positions. It’s an important “high impact / low visibility” thing we can do. If we are doing our jobs well, we should be giving our best away so that we remain invisible and locals step into the forefront. If we are doing it exceedingly well, we are actively training ourselves out of jobs so that others might step into them.
3. By Providing Necessary Marketing.
It is important to let the world know what is going on. As an example, the Syrian refugee crisis started several years ago but is just now capturing the world’s attention. While we may have talked about it back then, not everyone did and many people across the globe were surprised at the magnitude of the problem. As outsiders we can help clue the rest of the world into what’s going on by capturing information and events in order to make them known to the world outside. This is however, a sensitive process and not always acceptable and permissible to share. It’s also a process where we need to be careful not to fall into slacktivism (activism from our lazy boys that doesn’t actually do anything, like simply changing a profile picture) or even worse, exploitation. We must always tell the story out of relationship and with permission and only where it will bring positive impact. Where we share the story for our own gain we are not helping but hurting, often tremendously. We can aid significantly through the marketing and awareness process but only where it’s done sensitively in partnership with local leadership.
4. By Providing Necessary Administration.
Developing the proper administrative efforts for supporting, empowering and encouraging work can be quite a challenge, specifically where it’s never been done before. It is definitely not a glamorous role (most people don’t want to be stuck in an office) but it is a vital role in many circumstances. This is something we can teach locals to do and succeed at easily as we do it alongside them. It’s important to keep in mind that, more often than not, administrative efforts do not have to be incredibly elaborate and complex: just simple structure to aid the effort.
5. By Identifying Emerging Leaders.
If we, as outsiders, are able to successful identify emerging local leaders it becomes a real gift to the community as we encourage and empower them to take an active role in the work at hand. Often we will see and encourage potential where many will ignore it, especially those within a community. Looking from the outside in we carry a different perspective that might be a boon in this area (connecting potential leaders with appropriate positions).
6. By Identifying What Matters.
It’s not about making people look like us. In the context of church planting work, it’s about focusing on the Gospel and not my preferred American version of church. In development work it’s about identifying solutions desired by indigenous culture rather than acting as colonial overseers. By separating our own culture (that means for me my “American-ness”) from the desired message itself, we enable the message to flourish locally. Where we don’t do that we create weird hybrid people that take on aspects of our culture that just aren’t reproducible and limit long-term sustainability. If we as outsiders can successfully model this ability to identify what matters, local leadership, as they seek to take the next step in helping neighboring communities as they’ve helped there own, will carry this notion with them.
7. By Identifying Resources Locally (And Afar).
We can help identify what a community already has that they might be overlooking. And where there might be lack – we can help find the necessary resources to compensate for it. Often through looking from the outside in we are able to see the hidden strengths that locals might overlook when examining their own community. The flip side of this might be true as well: we can perceive potential needs that locals might also miss. We should be helping them identify these things. An important note: this doesn’t mean we always bring in the money. Resource can mean a lot of different things and is very dependent on the community, project and task. When the focus is solely on money, particularly in the context of what can be brought in, we often hurt communities more than we help them (through creating dependency, creating false expectations, limiting sustainability and local reproducibility, etc).
These are the 7 important roles outsiders can play according to my friend from Western Africa. It’s his perspective on the importance of insiders partnering with outsiders like us. We’ve seen the strength in this in our work and it drives us to keep walking in this direction.
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Posted on February 4, 2016
How the Invisible God becomes Visible | Part 1
At the beginning of the book of Colossians is this curious phrase;
The Son is the image of the invisible God – Col 1:15
It hit me in a new way as I read it last week. To a lot of people God really does seem like the invisible God. Especially for those of us raised to think through western-influenced education, we are materialists. What we can see and observe are the things that we are most prone to believe.
Believers in a divine creator point to signs of beauty, complexity and design all around us. Nay sayers rightly point to the existence of evil and pain all around us and surmise that who ever the originator of our existence is he has long since dawdled away from our troubled existence as a planet and people.
Indeed, even those of us who profess belief in God, when circumstances are not going our way are prone to feel like God is distant, un-interested and certainly quite invisible. This is what is so special about the Christian ability to point to a flesh and blood image of this invisible God in Jesus. Jesus shows us what God looks like.
Humanity’s call to bear the image of God
I began to think about this term image, and quickly realised there are a number of places it crops up throughout scriptural witness, and most significantly in the Genesis origins story.
“ the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
It seems like there is something pretty important about this idea of image. God is interested in being known, in having his character, his likeness known. He is interested is becoming un-invisible.
In genesis the account uses a familiar word to ancient hearers that we translate into the word ‘image’. In the ancient world this word was most commonly used in relation to the idols of god’s. Idols, statues or totems were seen, not as the God’s themselves but as the place where the god could be found. The place where something of their presence resided, something that physically manifest the unseen reign and authority of the god. Later on in history, empires worldwide, including the roman empire used this idea of statues to assert the authority (and in that sense, presence) of Caesars and rulers across their vast empires. Places that the caesars themselves maybe had never visited physically, but nevertheless their authority was represented and their presence felt by the subjects.
That is why the word ‘Image’ is so shocking to ancient ears when it is heard in Genesis. The hearers are used to a world where it is the humans that create idols that bear the image of gods, but here is a God who creates images of himself and those images are human image bearers.
So God creates humanity in the garden to image or show himself, just like those idle idols of the gods of the ancient world. But this time, it is his breath that gives these image bearers real life. These humans are the place where God’s rule and reign are made visible in the garden.
We all know how the beginning of the story ended in a catastrophic fall from grace, but that was not the end of story. As Paul remarks so famously in Roman, Jesus becomes a kind of second Adam, a second humanity, a reclaiming of the ancient vocation of humans to bear the image of God faithfully.
Stay Tuned for Part two next week. Be sure not to miss it by signing up for a weekly email;
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Posted on February 2, 2016
Lighten Up | Standup Music Comedy by Reggie Watts

Posted on January 31, 2016
Friday (on Sunday) Link List | 30th January 2016
Every week I’m (trying to) post links to things I’ve read this week that I think you might find interesting too, this time I missed a week, so this will be the biggest list yet!
On the flipside it was a busy couple of weeks so while I read, I didn’t have the time to write much. But the coming two weeks I have a couple posts in the works and a few guest posts from friends too!
…If you read something you think should be featured here submit it here, starting your message LINK LIST SUGGESTION.
What I’ve posted
Over the busyness of the last two weeks, helping run a staff conference we also got to celebrate our honourary niece here in South Africa who completed her first year of school by seeing Mi Casa play in the beautiful kirstenbosch gardens in Cape Town.
We also managed to pack in seeing Mumford and Sons plus the Soil! Lots of music in one week!
A photo posted by Liam Byrnes (@byrnesyliam) on
Theology and Christianity
- Our friend Calvin Hanson shares some stories of interacting with muslims which seeks to humanise the broad-stroke generalisations that often exist in conversation on the topic in the west.
Richard Beck writes on ‘A bruised reed he will not break’, a call to moving gently through our world in relating to others.
Passion is broadly considered a positive thing, especially in modern church circles. But this hasn’t alway been the case, the early church fathers often encouraged a sort of detatchment or apatheia which Steve Wright explores here at Faith and Theology.
Jason Gorancy posts an interesting quote from William Cavanaugh here, talking about the eucharist and peace making.
True sacrifice is nothing other than the unity of people with one another through the participation in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Christ’s sacrifice reverses the idea that one must achieve domination over the enemy to achieve unity. Christ instead takes on the role of victim, absorbs the violence of the world instead of deals it out, and thereby offers a world in which reconciliation rather than violence can hold sway.
This is why the Eucharist is the antidote to war for Augustine. In the Eucharist, the whole economy of scarcity and competition that leads to war is done away with. Augustine makes clear that God does not need to be appeased as the Roman gods do. God is abundance, not lack, so participation in God’s life in the body of Christ does away with competition over scarce goods among people. True sacrifice is unity, and true unity is the participation of the human community in God’s life …
A few more paragraphs to this that are worth reading here.
- In an age where a trendy reminder is that ‘worship is not just singing’, this is a good post about the particular theological significance of speech and singing (and its short!) – Read more here
Kevin Davis gives a short tour of catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, who, other than having a pretty cool name has been pegged as a catholic Barthian. Kevin unpicks why that is not quite right and connects with what Balthasar has to say about protestantism.
Interested in Karl Barth? You should be. He will be remembered as the greatest theological thinker of the 20th Century and Adam Johnson’s guide to starting to read Barth is right here.
Leadership tests: no one likes them and we all go through them from Floyd McClung
Are you an actual follower of Jesus? Or are you a Jesus hobbyist?
Andrew Wilson tries to make David Bentley Hart accesible in this post on ‘The beauty of the infinite’, my favourite quote was;
…as Doug Wilson puts it, “David Bentley Hart is, by my rough estimate, about three times smarter than I am. The difficulty is that he writes as though he is five times smarter, and I find this off-putting.”
- It’s rare to find someone writing warmly about their childhood experiences serving in the church. This is an engaging and enjoyable read about being an altar boy called The Wizards Boy
Whether you are an anglican or not, in the UK, Africa and the US, anglicanism is one of the most visible and accesibles corners of christianity. That is why taking notice of how this body is decision making and what they saying through their primate discussions has meaning. Anglicans do not exist overall as denominations with top down hierarchies they are mutual fellowships so find consensus across such a broad group is fascinating both sociologically and from a church leadership perspective. Here is a very readable and encouraging summary of the recent meetings from Andrew Wilson.
In keeping with the previous posts focus on ecumenical awareness, this article from First Things gives a much longer and in-depth assesment of the state of the Pan-Orthodox council. It is a fascinating peek into an area of the church that is mostly invisible to the western and protestant traditions.
Why Prince Caspian may be a prophetic vision of what’s happening in the current run up to the US elections.
Although my reading on the book of revelation has dropped away recently, I thought this post by Peter Leithart was illuminating.
Fascinating interview on the religious context and impact of WWI. Not the usual narrative. Read more here.
Martin Luther King Day and Race Relations
- Given the increase in attention race relations in the US has been getting, the recent Martin Luther King Jr day created an oppurtunity for many insightful posts, not least this one from Rachel Held Evans. Although South Africa and the US’s histories have significant differences, these words from MLK particularly resonated for the modern context of SA;
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not . . . the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace, which is the absence of tension, to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direction action.’ . . . Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. . . . We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.
- Scot McKnight posted MLK’s famous speech here
Skye Jethani posts a short sermon clip to highlight an often overlooked aspect of King’s life here.
Finally Flickr put together a collection of images celebrating civil disobedience as a form of protest here.
- The rich get richer, Vinoth Ramachandra notes here. This particularly hit home after watch the film the Big short which details the banking and and financial collapse.
The UK-based international charity Oxfam reported this week that the world’s richest 62 people now own as much wealth as half the world’s population. Super-rich individuals saw an increase of 44 percent since 2010, taking their cumulative wealth to $1.76 trillion – equivalent to the total owned by 3.5 billion of the world’s poorest people. The report also stated that tax havens were helping corporations and individuals to stash away about $7.6 trillion, depriving governments of $190bn in tax revenue every year.
- Our friend Brandon Jones (who’s wife just had a baby girl – congrats!) is starting a series on strengths finder combinations which should be interesting. He started with Belief and Communication, read more here and contact Brandon if you want to be coached in strength finders.
Also from Brandon this week, some insight into the adventure of kenyan bureaucracy as he stories his attempts to receive a birth certificate.
Richard Beck posts a poem from Gerard Manley Hopkins here and this delightful postscript;
Praise God for things that are counter, original, spare and strange.
Like maybe me. Like maybe you.
- My Syrian refugee lodger / Me and My British Landlady via Tools and Toys
Very grateful to have been included in Jonathan Morgan’s Inspiration top 10 list of 2015, the other 9 are pretty great too.
Who knew the US dropped 4 nuclear bombs (by accident) in Spain? Not here
Productivity and Habits
This post about margin and breathing room from Shawn Blanc resonated with me this week, as I felt like the week had neither of those characteristics!
Fernandos Gros writes on 365 projects (doing something every day for a year) and the art and goal of habit forming.
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Posted on January 30, 2016
Mumford and Sons Playing Cape Town this weekend
A few months ago, I mentioned Mumford and Sons release details of their first every tour of South Africa here and more recently they announced they will be supported ‘the Very Best’, ‘Beatenberg’, ‘John Wizards’ and ‘Baaba Maal’. Well the time has come. They played last night and tonight and so I thought Id share some music (both theirs and the support acts) for those who are attending and those who are far.
Mumford and Sons
Support Acts
The Very Best
John Wizards
Baaba Maal
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“There we shall rest and see, see and love, love and praise. This is what shall be in the end without end.”

Posted on January 17, 2016
Friday (on sunday) Link List | 17th January 2016
Every Friday I’m posting links to things I’ve read this week that I think you might find interesting too, next week I want to start sharing some links readers of the site are finding interesting…If you read something you think should be featured here submit it here, starting your message LINK LIST SUGGESTION.
What I posted recently
Well, it’s been a busy week back to work (yes, work other than writing on here), and we had a massive wild fire locally pictured here.
But I was delighted for the first time in a while to post a guest post from my friend Isaac Aho; Tolstoy on Christian non-violence.
Secondly, I posted a story (not mine), about an encounter around african polygamy which helps demonstrate how things which seems so clear cut from a distance become more human and therefore complex the closer you are to them.
Other than that I indulged in posting a little music (mostly for the last 40 seconds of the song!) Watch that here | MuteMath – Vitals.
- The debacle over a wheaton professor’s statement over muslims and christians worshipping the same God. Fortunately, unlike many debates that get continued in online forums, this one is encouraging theological reflection. Good theological primers here at Faith and Theology and via Jason Goroncy.
A short and readable review of Dallas Willard’s bookThe Spirit of the disciplines – If you’ve never read Willard this is a great introduction to the main thesis’ of this book and Willard’s ministry in general.
Eastern orthodox theologian David bentley hart on a typology of wine via Think Theology
This story by Richard Beck might encourage you lead sunday school
Salvation excludes no one – Palestinian Christians via Floyd McClung
Jamie Arpin Ricci lists his best posts from 2015 which are worth your reading time!
The Right side of History – A fascinating look at the way moral debates and the right vs. the left has moved around.
Philosophers want to know why physicists believe theories they can’t prove
Our friend Noah Kaye reflects on things he learnt in Africa; ‘I’m wealthy and arrogant’
An unbelievable story on rolling stone about Sean Penn meeting the most wanted leader of a Mexican drug cartel – El Chapo
In the same theme as this week’s Tolstoy post by Isaac Aho, the new yorker visits one of the last tolstoyan communities left in England
This looks like a smart way to carry a screwdriver around!
Margin enables intentional living – A good reminder at the start of the year.
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Posted on January 13, 2016
MuteMath – Vitals

Posted on January 12, 2016
Tolstoy on Christian non-violence | Isaac Aho
Over the past two years Isaac has been one of my favourite people to talk, drink, think and pray alongside. He recently completed an M.A. in Spiritual Formation with the University of the Nations and lives in South Africa with his family gathering people around discipleship and living out the ways of Jesus. Finally, He embodies a life long learner posture which continues to seek after truth, which is why I asked him to share these thoughts on a book He had just read. He previously wrote a post on this blog about the importance of mealtimes in Christian life you can read here. – Liam
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I recently picked up a copy of Leo Tolstoy’s The Kingdom of God is Within. Reading the book proved to be a disturbing experience and I’m left to wrestle through some of his ideas and subsequent conclusions.
The premise of the book is that Jesus taught us to love all people, never repay evil with evil and to turn the other cheek even in the event of suffering personal violence. Tolstoy has a solidly christological1 hermeneutic. He interprets everything in the Bible based on who God is as revealed in Christ, and everything else written about God, attributed to God, or said to be God must look, act, and sound like Jesus, or it isn’t God.
A second premise Tolstoy expresses is that mankind is moving through stages of growth;
- We started out loving ourselves. He calls this the “animal” view of life.
- We progress to loving society which would be our nation or tribe. He calls this the “pagan” view.
- We will eventually come to love and embrace all mankind. He calls this the “divine” view.
Tolstoy believes that our governments, with the police and standing armies are there for one purpose only; to ensure those with wealth and privilege keep their status. He says the overwhelming source of violence in the world is “preemptive violence”. We do acts of actual violence to stop a potential violence.
I believe Tolstoy reads Ephesians chapter six and sees the “…principalities, powers and rulers of spiritual wickedness in high places” not as airy demons floating around causing mischief, but rather our structures, governments and institutions, that allow people to collectively cause massive damage and evil to others. Tolstoy explains how this becomes possible with this illustration: When I swear my allegiance to government or king and join an armed force, I feel justified in anything I do because I am “following orders”.
The responsibility gets passed off as I abdicate my responsibility to my commanding officer, who in turn passes it off as well. On the ground, I am allowed to shoot, kill, injure and abuse with impunity. Because my individual act is self defence, or in the defence of my country. I don’t feel the weight of my actions, even if I was to violently suppress my own countrymen.
Tolstoy says;
“How can men allow that murder is permissible while they preach principles of morality, and how can they allow of the existence in their midst of a military organisation of physical force which is a constant menace to public security? — It is only allowed by the upper classes, who profit by this organisation, because their privileges are maintained by it — The upper classes allow it, and the lower classes carry it into effect in spite of their consciousness of the Immorality of the deeds of violence, the more readily because through the arrangements of the government the moral responsibility for such deeds is divided among a great number of participants in it, and everyone throws the responsibility on someone else—moreover, the sense of moral responsibility is lost through the delusion of Inequality, and the consequent Intoxication of power on the part of superiors, and servility.”
Tolstoy also writes that in the time of Constantine the church joined the government along with their motivations. He says;
“Historically, Helchitsky attributes the degeneration of Christianity to the times of Constantine the Great, whom he, Pope Sylvester admitted into the Christian Church with all his heathen morals and life. Constantine, in his turn, endowed the Pope with worldly riches and power. From that time forward these two ruling powers were constantly aiding one another to strive for nothing but outward glory. Divines and ecclesiastical dignitaries began to concern themselves only about subduing the whole world to their authority, incited men against one another to murder and plunder, and in creed and life reduced Christianity to a nullity.”
Tolstoy would call anybody who professes to follow Jesus to practice the doctrine of “non-resistance to evil by force”. He acknowledges there will be martyrs but this is what Jesus taught, lived, (and died) but ultimately and inevitably, a peaceful world would emerge.
These are just a few of the ideas that Tolstoy writes about that are disturbing in the implication of how I should be living if they are true. If my privilege is obtained and maintained by threat or actual violence how do I live justly as one with privilege?
In very recent memory, I could hear the shots and taste the tear gas that floated across the valley as a people group desperate for justice in their community violently protested and were met with a greater violence to contain them. I would have to admit a certain security I felt in the fact that the people between me and those protesting had the “bigger guns.” This would prove Tolstoy correct as to why I would tolerate these standing armies. I will admit I like to buy my food at prices I could never produce for myself, and never question how this is possible and who is paying the difference. I like living in a home that would take me a lifetime to create if I used only my own labor, and not question how it came to be built.
I guess my conscience is comfortable with this arrangement because I assumed it was free market principles that made it so and everybody was choosing their lot.
What if it is only maintained because the guns on my side are bigger? I have to ask myself – where Jesus would be standing? I am afraid if Tolstoy is right, I am on the side of the guns aimed directly at Christ.
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- Christ-centred view ↩
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