Posted on April 24, 2015

Every Friday I’m posting links to things I’ve read this week that I think you might find interesting too –
Firstly, if you’ve ever owned an apple device, at some point you’ve wished the battery lasted a little longer, tech blogger marco arment considers what this might looks like across the apple product line here
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Posted on April 22, 2015
Half way though “Open City”
The Oyster Review just posted their top 100 books of the decade, a dizzying feat which saw their staff read 1000 books in order to make the decision. In their words, naming “Open City” as the number one spot was the least contentious decision of the whole escapade.
Posted on April 21, 2015
The Now – Ray Collins
This is great little 5 minute profile on an Australian miner turned water photographer, some of his captures are really extraordinary. Its Fascinating the forms water take.

Posted on April 20, 2015
Margins – The Space for friends
I just finished reading Brad Brisco’s post where he discusses the idea of margin.
The idea is basically that authentic neighbourly relationship grows out of the margins of our lives, not primarily (or in the long term) as focussed and intentional work. This is counter-idea to the culture of the community I work within and help lead. We are shaped primarily by focussed apostolic values which gives us laser-focus on engaging those who are outside of the kingdom, but something about this post connected with a sense I’ve been having. So rather than shut it down, and move on with the status quo of our DNA, I thought I’d try investigate and diagnose why I think this idea of margins is so key.
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Posted on April 17, 2015
Links for Friday | 17th April 2015
Every Friday I’m posting links to things I’ve read this week that I think you might find interesting too –
Next week I’ll be posting a short series of interviews from Steve Schallert about his album “Songs of Sorrow | Songs of Hope”, if you didn’t get a chance to read the review of it a couple of weeks ago, check it out here
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Posted on April 14, 2015
Hearing God in decision making
Two weeks ago when I introduced Noah’s post about hearing God in in the midst of change I said’
Surely one of the most stress inducing questions in life for many Christians is What does God want to do with my life?
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Posted on April 10, 2015
Links for Friday | 10th April 2015
Every Friday I’m posting links to things I’ve read this week that I think you might find interesting too –
Why every Christian should rightly pass for an atheistThis is not a short read, but it is a fascinating article drawing out the dynamis of the life of faith that means we can never fully apprehend our faith as something static and disconnected from the life of God and our own fragility.
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Posted on April 8, 2015
The Journey of picking a bag by an obsessive | Tom Bihn Synapse 25
This post is about researching the bag I ended up buying, but more recently I posted an actual review of the bag itself here | The Tom Bihn Synapse 25 | An (exhaustive) review
A couple of years ago my wife trained to be a coach for a personality test called strengths finders, and I discovered one of the strengths types high up in my results was called “input”. Input basically means you love to collect information, it can be about anything, and it begins to explain while I have over 3000 notes in my evernote file1.
The point is, I love to research, and not like a normal person, I obsess. So, when I finally decided that I wanted to buy a top quality rucksack for a recent birthday, I went into overdrive!
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Posted on April 6, 2015
Six Degrees of caffeination
I take coffee pretty seriously, as you’ll be able to tell if you could come into our kitchen, I have at least 5 different ways to make it and enjoy tweaking variables to find something that tastes just right.
Nowness is a video library related to a bunch of stuff, but someone recently sent over this video Six Degrees of Caffeination – Which is a great short film on Coffee in New York. It also gives a great overview of a few different popular methods that are becoming known as Third-wave coffee making.
My Favourite quote is;
We have it [coffee] at a very vulnerable part of the day, it frames how the morning will unfold… so if you can turn that moment into something aesthetically pleasing..why wouldn’t you?
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